They handle stress well and can endure like no other person. Butterflies are a symbol of change, endurance, hope, and life. Geminis, like all mutable signs, are emotionally strong. This 'I Adore You' Wooden Medal will let the adaptable Gemini know you adore them for their flexible nature

A wooden notebook engraved with an inspirational quote the Gemini will relate to! This ease with which they handle change can make them resourceful and versatile or evasive and flighty. They are like the chameleon that changes colour to blend in with its environment for survival.
#Gemini horoscope dates how to
They know how to fit themselves in any given situation. A Gemini is always prepared for change whether it is beneficial for them or not. Gemini, being a mutable sign, are adaptable and flexible by nature. The character traits of every astrological sign depend on whether they are a mutable (adjustment), cardinal (creation) or fixed sign (preservation). Mutable Qualities of Gemini The Adaptable & Flexible Geminis Welcome Change Geminis are thus said to have a dual personality and their strength lies in their versatility. They were then transformed into the constellation Gemini. When the mortal Castor was killed, Pollux, being a demigod, asked Zeus to let him share his immortality with his twin to keep them together.

They are said to have been born from the same egg. Castor was the mortal son of the king of Sparta and Pollux was the divine son of Zeus. According to Greek mythology, the twins were said to have different fathers. Gemini is depicted by the twins Pullox and Castor. Geminis, like Libra and Aquarius, belong to the air sign. If you're born between May 21 and June 21, you belong to the first air element of the zodiac - Gemini. Each zodiac sign represents the four elements: Air, Water, Earth, and Fire.